We envision a future where every person is an accomplished writer and engaged learner

Why Writing
Writing is essential to learning, critical thinking, and active citizenship.
Writing is the currency of the new workplace and global economy, but more importantly, writing helps us clarify ideas, solve problems, and understand ourselves and our changing world. With writing, we each can leave our mark on the world today and reach toward the future.

Who We Are
Teacher-Leaders, Connected
We are the nation’s largest network of teacher-leaders, K–university and across the curriculum, working together through local Writing Project sites to improve the teaching of writing and learning in schools and communities nationwide.
We welcome teachers across all grades as learners, innovators, and change-makers through open online activities and communities of practice.
We connect teachers, faculty, and community partners for long-term impact through local sites.
We work with schools, districts, and community partners seeking to improve writing instruction.
Our Impact
Better Teaching Leads to Better Writing
We can all become better writers and better teachers. For almost 50 years, NWP teacher-leaders at all grade levels and disciplines have developed and shared approaches to teaching writing that empower all young people as critical thinkers and confident creators. And for almost 50 years, research has shown these approaches work. NWP partners with researchers, scholars, and evaluators to help us test and refine our approaches, and our national research results validate our positive impact on student achievement.
Meet Ginette Rossi
Ginette Rossi rediscovered her passion for teaching and revolutionized her approach through ASU's Master's program and the Central Arizona Writing Project. Her innovative Book Bistro initiative, born from engaging her students in diverse reading choices, not only transformed her classroom but spread nationwide.

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Together, we can grow and sustain teacher-leadership for the improvement of writing.